*pi_tar.txt*    For Vim version 7.0. 最近更新: 2006年5月

                       |    Tar 文件接口    |
                                译者: Willis

Author:  Charles E. Campbell, Jr.  <NdrOchip@ScampbellPfamily.AbizM>
          (remove NOSPAM from Campbell's email first)
Copyright: The GPL (gnu public license) applies to      *tar-copyright*
           tarPlugin.vim, and pi_tar.txt.
           No warranty, express or implied.  Use At-Your-Own-Risk.

1. 内容 *tar* *tar-contents*

1. 内容......................................................|tar-contents| 2. 用法......................................................|tar-usage| 3. 选项......................................................|tar-options| 4. 历史......................................................|tar-history|

2. 用法 *tar-usage* *tar-manual*

编辑 *.tar 文件时,此插件进行处理,显示内容页面。移动光标到文件上,然后按 <return> 键,就可以选择该文件进行编辑。编辑后,可以写回该文件。目前,不能用 该插件建立新的 tar 归档文件。

3. 选项 *tar-options*

以下是用户可以改变的变量,通常在 <.vimrc> 文件里设置。 变量 缺省值 解释 *g:tar_browseoptions* "Ptf" 用于得到内容列表 *g:tar_readoptions* "OPxf" 用于从 tar 包里提取文件 *g:tar_cmd* "tar" tar 程序名 *g:tar_writeoptions* "uf" 用于更新/替换文件

4. 历史 (英文) *tar-history*

v9 May 02, 2006 * improved detection of masquerading as tar file v8 May 02, 2006 * allows editing of files that merely masquerade as tar files v7 Mar 22, 2006 * work on making tar plugin work across network Mar 27, 2006 * g:tar_cmd now available for users to change the name of the tar program to be used. By default, of course, its "tar". v6 Dec 21, 2005 * writing to files not in directories caused problems - fixed (pointed out by Christian Robinson) v5 Nov 22, 2005 * report option workaround installed v3 Sep 16, 2005 * handles writing files in an archive back to the archive Oct 18, 2005 * <amatch> used instead of <afile> in autocmds Oct 18, 2005 * handles writing to compressed archives Nov 03, 2005 * handles writing tarfiles across a network using netrw#NetWrite() v2 * converted to use Vim7's new autoload feature by Bram Moolenaar v1 (original) * Michael Toren (see http://michael.toren.net/code/)


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